The Wealth Hacker™ Code

There has to be another way…
You’ve heard before
“Go to school, get good grades, find the job of your dreams”
My parents repeated that advice over and over again. You would have thought there was a glitch in their hardware.
I finally questioned that advice as I got older because I realized why they were so adamant about that advice.
Neither one of them went to college, and they both struggled to find a job that made them feel satisfied.
I knew if I wanted to become wealthy I had to do something different.
I had to find another way
I was committed to find the other way.
That resiliency is what embodies the Wealth Hacker™ code.
We know there’s another way and we’re willing to fight until we find it.
If you’re wondering whether you have what it takes to become a Wealth Hacker™ this list summarizes what we are all about.

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Hacker™ Toolkit
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There’s a Faster Way to Grow Wealth
You don’t have to be a grandpa or grandma to enjoy the good old life. The days of buying Treasury bonds and saving up for your golden years have passed.
Technology has allowed everyone, yes you, to grow wealth at a much faster rate.

Being Wealthy is
Not All About Your
Bank Account
Eating caviar on the front bow of your 50-foot yacht can be a lot of fun, but it’s not fun if you’re eating and sailing alone. To enjoy true wealth, you’ve got to have the right balance in your life.
A Wealth hacker recognizes that an abundance of wealth is not just the decimals and commas in your bank account. Wealth also means having an abundance of time, loving relationships, and a deeper connection with yourself.
Disrespect the Impossible
The statistics say that you have a greater chance of being struck by lightning than becoming a millionaire. Well, thankfully, I’m still here today. I haven’t been struck by lightning and I’m a millionaire.
The odds were stacked against me. Both of my parents struggled with money, filing for bankruptcy twice – each of them. I was an above-average student in school and got a D in precalculus my junior year in high school. I accrued over $30,000 of student loan and credit card debt while in college and got passed over for what I thought was my dream corporate job.
Where did all of that get me? Exactly where I needed to be. The impossible is only that when you give it permission to be. You have my full blessing to disrespect the impossible and make things happen.
Our Future is Bigger
Than Our Past
Doc Brown is not pulling up in your driveway with his DeLorean time machine to go back in time to make things right in your life. There’s no sense focusing on what has happened. A Wealth Hacker instead focuses on what can happen.
An unrecognizable future awaits so long as you put in the work and focus on what you can control today.
Opportunities Are Abundant
There’s never been a time, before now, in history where multiple opportunities exist to build wealth – online business, cryptocurrency, real estate, day trading, crowdfunding, Amazon FBA.
These are just a few of the thousand examples that exist that allow you to build wealth that has never existed before now.
A Wealth Hacker recognizes there isn’t one clear way to build wealth, and that excites the heck out of them because they know it’s just a matter of choosing the right one for them.

There’s No Such Thing As Failure
It’s only a failure when you give up and that’s why a Wealth Hacker never fails, because they never give up. They know that every great idea is not going to work out, and that’s okay. They give themselves permission to fail so that they can learn from those experiences and take all of that knowledge and apply it to the next great idea.
Those failures – i.e. experiences – are a tuition that a Wealth Hacker happily pays to get them to the next step.
We Are Our Greatest Investment
There isn’t any investment that is going to give you a greater ROI than investing in yourself. A Wealth Hacker knows this.
We invest in ourselves by reading books, listening to podcasts, buying courses, joining mastermind groups, paying for coaches and dining with our mentors.
There is no such thing as investing too much in ourselves. The more that we invest in ourselves, the greater we grow.

Leverage Is A
Good Thing
Sometimes when people hear the word leverage, they get scared. Am I putting myself in debt? Am I spreading myself too thin? A Wealth Hacker knows that these are all false beliefs. Leverage means utilizing somebody else’s skills and talents that best complement your own.
We excel when we are operating in our Fulfilment Zone. Anytime we are outside of that, and forcing ourselves to do things we don’t thrive at, we lose productivity, energy and momentum.
We Always Trust, But Verify
A good friend of yours suggests to invest into some stock that he has officially labeled “the next BIG thing”.
Do you dump all your money into it and hope for the best?
If so, slap the back of your hand and throw cold water in your face.
If you are joining The Wealth Hacker Nation, you never invest into anything that you haven’t done a little bit of research yourself or at least obtained a second opinion.
Before you act on any investment
follow these guidelines:

Consider the source
Tell me you didn’t get excited about a stock tip from your co-worker that day trades their 401k? If you were my kid, I would put you in timeout.

Ask yourself. “Why is this so good?”
I love when people watch Jim Cramer and then come to me ready to buy some stock so they can make millions. Warning: I may head butt you for this stupidity.

Is it really a game changer?
If you invested every single penny you had into it and the stock doubled, would that drastically change your life? Reversing roles: what if you lost every single penny you invested into it? If that would affect you more than making a little bit of profit it’s not worth it.
Verifying also applies before hiring a trusted advisor. Surprisingly, more than 70% of other people don’t do a background check before hiring a financial advisor.
I say “other” because that’s NOT you
We Always
Give Back
I was raised a Southern Baptist (hey y’all!) and my grandma always taught me to give back. That wasn’t just tithing but also giving your time to other people.
We all have unique experiences that is a wealth of information for the person just beginning that journey. Educate them. Mentor them. Prevent them from making the same mistakes.
Did you get yourself into a money jam? Make sure your kids, friends, co-workers don’t do the same boneheaded thing you did.
Make a lousy investment? What did you learn from it that others might benefit.
We all have something to give.
Let’s Hack Our
Wealth Together
Above is what The Wealth Hacker™ Nation and I are all about. If any of that resonates with you, join us.
If I would have let those doubts control me I wouldn’t be here today. Be bold and take action. Besides, it’s free!